11-13-2007, 04:54 AM
Konnichiwa! Watashi wa, LovedAngelChild desu...Anata wa?
Okay back to English Mina-sann~
It's a pleasure to talk to all of you. I usually don't talk on forums but I like the site so much and the shout box so much that I thought I'd give the forum a try! Okay Ready set~
You don't have to call me LovedAngelChild, Just call me Loved-chan or Child-chan or Angel-chan, Whatever your preference is because saying the whole thing is sort of bothersome, ne? Well anyways. My AIM is... A secret ^_~ Just Message me it'll be no bother AT ALL! I love talk to people and my favorite manga on ONE MANGA is Spiral Kizuna. It's really good so you should read it.
Well uh.. ano.. sono.. :: Bows Deeply:: Thank you very much for listening to me. Till next time~ Bye-Bye~! ^_^
^-- I just copied and pasted that. lol uh.. I guess I should say other things but I'm hungry and my brain is broked right now.