07-25-2007, 12:05 PM
Alright, I just wanted to make a thread to rant my problems away.
First: Butchered English.
I can understand if you're foreign and don't speak the language as best as native speakers, but what I am mad at is the native speakers using butchered up words to "shorten" what they say. I have got to say sometimes I spend more time trying to figure out what you're saying when the whole intent is to save time. I am sure it won't take up that much time writing out your words such as u, ur (your), ur (you're), dif, and not even using apostrophes. That just seems lazy darnit. Do you realize how much better it looks when everything is written out in thoughtful complete sentences??? I have respect for people who do this.
Alrighty now, whenever you get offended by someone on the internet, don't stoop to their level! Heck sometimes they aren't even offending you and you just take the tone of their message the completely wrong way, this can happen so many times in real life, so it is sure to happen on a message board where nobody can understand the tone of your message because there is no tone. So please stop trying to use sarcasm everybody, think about what other people say before you go off on them and start flaming and don't take things personally. I mean you don't even know most of the people you are talking to on the internet, for all you know it could be some guy messing with you just to mess with you.
Third: Go out and get some fresh air
Sometimes I am posting in a topic and all of a sudden I see my post way down farther tha I intended it to go! There are just so many people trying to talk at the same time in the same conversation wanting their voices to be heard that it gets frustrating and you just can't carry on the conversation because you're just going to get lost and left behind (especially if you have dial up ) So why do people just sit around on their computers all day talking about fictional stuff when they can be outside talking to friends whose faces they know? I am starting to regret not having spent more time hanging out with friends and just having fun outside of the house away from my computer and video games... Oh well, that is the way life is.
And I just want you all to know I am not speaking to anybody specifically on this forum, or necessarily anybody on this forum. If you want to post your own rants go ahead! This is what I made it for.
First: Butchered English.
I can understand if you're foreign and don't speak the language as best as native speakers, but what I am mad at is the native speakers using butchered up words to "shorten" what they say. I have got to say sometimes I spend more time trying to figure out what you're saying when the whole intent is to save time. I am sure it won't take up that much time writing out your words such as u, ur (your), ur (you're), dif, and not even using apostrophes. That just seems lazy darnit. Do you realize how much better it looks when everything is written out in thoughtful complete sentences??? I have respect for people who do this.
Alrighty now, whenever you get offended by someone on the internet, don't stoop to their level! Heck sometimes they aren't even offending you and you just take the tone of their message the completely wrong way, this can happen so many times in real life, so it is sure to happen on a message board where nobody can understand the tone of your message because there is no tone. So please stop trying to use sarcasm everybody, think about what other people say before you go off on them and start flaming and don't take things personally. I mean you don't even know most of the people you are talking to on the internet, for all you know it could be some guy messing with you just to mess with you.
Third: Go out and get some fresh air
Sometimes I am posting in a topic and all of a sudden I see my post way down farther tha I intended it to go! There are just so many people trying to talk at the same time in the same conversation wanting their voices to be heard that it gets frustrating and you just can't carry on the conversation because you're just going to get lost and left behind (especially if you have dial up ) So why do people just sit around on their computers all day talking about fictional stuff when they can be outside talking to friends whose faces they know? I am starting to regret not having spent more time hanging out with friends and just having fun outside of the house away from my computer and video games... Oh well, that is the way life is.
And I just want you all to know I am not speaking to anybody specifically on this forum, or necessarily anybody on this forum. If you want to post your own rants go ahead! This is what I made it for.