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Fan clubs, arcade area
ok, well over a bit of thinking, how about we have Fan clubs, these can be made by people who are responsible (decided by the mods and admins) and can organize. these fan clubs could be for anything, animals a person, a football team and so on, whats more is you don't have to be part of just one fan club. but to have these, we'd have to be more sensible, cause moderating is hard to do, all these fan clubs would be hard to moderate and such.

how to resolve the problems:

.have the leader of the fan club moderate the area.
.have about three people moderate all the fan clubs (cause there will probably be quite alot)
.scrap the whole idea

secondley, if we make an arcade area like i've seen on other forums such as but this may mean upgrading and paying for the forum software. this allows you to hold tournaments and keep highscores, add a RPG game and a pet caring game and also use some wierd thing to buy extra stuff on the forum via how much you post. oh and get cool skins for the forum (even though we could do that now)

how to resolve the problems:

.pay for the forum software
.search for free software
.find a way around it and use coding to put the games up
*Sigh* I wish I can explain....
i know.. it wouldn't work, cause you have to add privilages to each individual person for each fan club :p
The fan club thing is interesting...since we've been talking about it for a while after the Girl's Forum closing.

The arcade area seems to be a good idea as well. But then difficulties.. and etc etc... The 'buy things with posts' would be nice as well. Now the forum's skin needs to change a bit...Lots ol work...
but it's hard to do fan clubs cause greg can't just do lock forums to all but this group, he has to allow access to a forum individually
So it'll be quite a lot of work until we get some more people....
and the people would have to be admins
never let someone admin unless you knew him or her personally
about the passwords, it's really hard and ive tried it (i have a forum about hp before, and you have to give separate passwords for each house)
but it was easier cause they were sorted into houses so I dont have to do it individually

The arcade are would be great cause sometimes when there's no one answering your posts, you can go to the arcade and have some fun

and one more, does this forum support the army system? where you can battle anyone? or a bank system?

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