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Narutos parents
dannyboy21 Wrote:doesnt Pein hav the same hair n same head shape
as yondaime
maybe yondaime changed himself
You dont actually believe that do you?? Please say you are joking... the yondaime = al theory will never cease...
im juss spectulating
i hav rite 2 do tht
but pretty much done with the whole yondaime theroy
still wondering wut country is Pein from
Peins from the hidden village of rain, I have no idea what country thats in... and I didnt mean to insult you or anything I just hate that people think that yondaime is alive...
it k3wl
wut when the 3rd fought orochimaru
the thing was empty
wasnt it
The third stopped it from opening so we will never know...
ooooooooh i see
It was most likely empty, just a ploy to stop Sarutobi from destroying the other two. If it had been someone that great, wouldn't Oro summon it behind the other two? Idk that's just my reason for it, but that is really old lol.
I think he went in order from who died first to last... but if the yondaime was summoned Im sure the 3rd would have died right there...
That's not like the thinking of Oro though, but who knows, just a mystery and will stay like it seeing we are in Time Skip and Oro presumably dead.
Maybe oro is narutos father...eeww...

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