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Lavi or Rabi
i personally like rabi but everywhere i go its lavi which one do you prefer?
i like lavi because thats how he has called at the begining so i left it at that..... plus rabi sound like a rabbit
Its lavi but I like rabi, course then again it makes me think of a rabbi...
geh... we posted at the same time....
lavi to me sounds to americanized and englishinized (if thats a word) what about rinali to linali/ linali to rinali i like rinali... but then again everywhere i go its linali >.>
In the onemanga scans its lenalee... the names confuse me...
no in some chapters they changed the name....
ATLEAST! everyone can agree on Allen ive yet to see someone try to put Arren
Allen walker never changes... cause hes so cool!! Sorry fangirlism, I cant help it...:grin:
...... right... anyway i havent seen the anime... well i just saw the first episode so if we knew how they say the names we would be able to pick one for sure.....

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