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Ouran High School Host Club
well at first i thought this was a manga only for girls and it looks like that for the first few chapters and thats a bad thing bcuz most guys wont see how good of a manga this is bcuz of that
i think its hilarious and have heard rumors that they are making a second season of the anime in 08
i just wanna get other peoples opinions on this manga
This manga is great!! I love it. But I only buy the Volumes, dont read this one online >_> And about the second season, its been confirmed that theres not going to be a second season T.T No-one knows why though...
I thought it was Yaoi at first...and after a few chapters, I definantly thought it. But the girl is actually dressed as a boy so its confusing...............
I thought it was one two, because of the cover!! xD
Where is chaps 38 and 39??
Not translated yet. But, if you understand Japanese go to Richer or Poorer, and they have up Ch 51 there. Or you can also look for translaters in Livejournals ^^
I checked that richer or poorer place but like you said its only raw versions... does anyone know if a group is even scanlating this stuff??
well i havent read the manga, been meaning to get around to that, quit up loading the ones im reading so much!! i have an anime club in my school, lucky for me!, and we have been watching it, at first i didnt like it, i kept thinking how can this show be aloud, a yaoi? a little later on it made much more sense, and i really enjoy it, became my favorite since we finished deathnote. which is i might add one of the best anime/mangas i have ever watched/read.
Not my most favorite manga, but I'm hooked to it for some reason..., perhaps due to the rich nature running gag...
I haven't read the chapters available here, but currently already on volume 9 in my local translated manga (somewhere around pass chapter 40).
They have up to Chapter 38 Translated;

But you have to register -.- It's free though...

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