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Science vs Religion
Now, this is a debate that has lasted milleniums ( But this time around I have a centre of controversy to allow a more heated, and synchorized debate. Big Vally Museum.

It's a museum that says that evolution is wrong, that the whole theory of how the world came to be is wrong. That humans even walked along with dinosaurs, and that god created everything with the snap of a finger. It even goes far enough to say that some dinosaurs weren't carvnivorous. And, on top of it all, there's even a section that promotes the conecpt that science is to blame for abortion and drugs.

ANd if you think that this is unjustified, in a claim that the museum will fail and who would beleive this, then

"In a June 1-3 poll, 66 percent of U.S. citizens said they believe in creationism (39 percent “definitely true” and 27 percent “probably true”) while only 53 percent of Americans say they believe in evolution (18 percent “definitely true” and 35 percent “probably true.”)."
well then someone who believes that should tell me how god was created...
and the dinosaurs that werent carnivorous were herbavores(sp?)
lol those americans always crack me up.
When i was in 2nd grade a religion teacher suggested we should look into creationism. She was warned by the board and didn't teach in our school anymore in the next grade...
Did anybody see the creationism spoof on family guy? it was just brilliant.
geyter Wrote:lol those americans always crack me up.
When i was in 2nd grade a religion teacher suggested we should look into creationism. She was warned by the board and didn't teach in our school anymore in the next grade...
Did anybody see the creationism spoof on family guy? it was just brilliant.
unfortunately that spoof is dead on
im not saying religion is wrong since i have no proof but b4 these theories of creationism come flooding in i want some proof
geyter Wrote:lol those americans always crack me up.
When i was in 2nd grade a religion teacher suggested we should look into creationism. She was warned by the board and didn't teach in our school anymore in the next grade...
Did anybody see the creationism spoof on family guy? it was just brilliant.

Yes, with the genie...loved the tune at the time, but back to the point
Well, if i am getting this right. What they are basically saying is that evolution took too long to be logical, if it really did take millions of years something would have gone very wrong along the way. And most things in nature are too complex (think bee's for example) to be explained by any form of evolution, there had to be some force guiding them along the path. And bigbangs don't happen randomly, again a guiding force to this.
Well these are the smart creationists anyway, you also have the guys who says we were made in 6 days and humans and monkeys have nothing in commen. and jesus was white.
If you look at a human eye, or balance thingamagig (inner ear thing), or the complexity of the nervepathways you can kind of see their point. The thing is, why would god create humans this fraily if he did create us. He would have to be one frikking sadistic bastard...
ya theres alot to do w/ god that doesnt make sense im an atheist so it doesnt affect me but i dont think a god would lead hints and fake trails to lead people to believe in evolution cuz there would be no point.....
The guided point was in the article I posted

"Among those who believe in evolution, however, most people still believe that God was behind the process."

But those who beleive that the world was created in 6 days mainly do so because the bible says it.

well im just kinda sick of how everything has to have a higher purpose...
who gets so bored that they create a universe and lead it w/o letting people know that he/she/it is actually there can an action just be for survival or does it hafta be something else what makes humans so special
do u think a wolf is worrying about what god wants him to do? no its just trying to survive day by day
The weird thing about these religious people is that they only follow the bible if it suits them. The bible also says you can't eat pig and camel and lizard and what not, nobody listens. The bible says peace with your brothers and all men are equal, again they don't listen. No killing, stealing, promiscuity. Nobody listens, in fact they wage holy wars. The bible says not to worship deity's but the church created thousands of saint we have to worship. Nowhere in the bible does it say you have to go to church on sunday, it never says you can't take drugs and never says you can't have protected sex. If they are so fond of their bible, perhaps they should read it once in a while.

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