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To get to know you
Pure Win Wrote:No I have not, are they good? I'm always looking for a new series or two to start reading

Yes, they are... I happen to be big fans of the series you mentioned, so I was wondering if you liked any other series I do Cool
Pure Win Wrote:No I have not, are they good? I'm always looking for a new series or two to start reading

i only have read ender's game and i consider it a really good book.
meisu100 Wrote:Hiii! Nice to meet u!

-A chinese girl that can't speak chinese
-My username is meisu cause when I was small, I didn't know how to write my chinese name...(It Mi Xue, btw) And the '100' is because I used this name on my mail, so if I choose a new name, I will probably just forget it...Tongue
-Biiig fan of manga and anime!
-A happy happy girlBig Grin
-And Im a female... but u probably already knew ehh?

ooo its okay i'm korean and i don't kno the language very well either. if i did i would read korean manga and if i could i would translate them but i can't >.<
Salutations all!

I am American, nearly as caucasian as you can get. Read manga, watch anime and play games (mostly manga and games though) and my favorite series is Excel Saga, then Genshiken. I love to analyze mangas that I really love and I am so glad I found OneManga because of the Shonen Jump series. Still only 16 (17 on June 5th) and Junior in High School, nearly a Senior (yay!).

Please, regard me kindly.
I'm dimplez

I am Female and 16
I live in London
right now i'm still in school doing my final exams (GCSE)
I like reading books watching tv and anime and manga
My favourite animes/mangas are one piece, then Naruto,then fairytail
Oh and I am a Christian!! (just fought i would tell you)
Well welcome all ^_^

It is really great to actually know more about all the people who use our site and chat with you all

And glad you all seem to be enjoying the site so far
~ i call myself nana
~I'm 17 turning 18..
~Live in Birmingham England ( find the place boring )
~I'm a Filipino (from Philippines)
~Love manga and animes. especially the cute ones.
~trying to be a nurse, military nurse to be exact
~attitude to studying is the same as Konata Izumi
~I love cute things
~likes and loves everything about japanese
~love playing arcade games
~gets easily bored
~admires gaara, akaya kirihara, morita shinobu, kyo-kun,Toushiro Hitsuguya,Tamaki, Lavi.
~ loves mamoru miyano dearly ;p
~the anime and manga that I like are Nana,prince of tennis,Lucky Star, d. gray man, bleach, naruto, nodame cantabile, hunter x hunter, ghost hunt,kyo kara maou, gravitation, honeyandclover, kaze no stigma and the list just go on and on and on

~~nice knowing you all ~~

(o¯ω¯ o)

My name is Kate.
Im 15 years old.
Im a spazz.
I live in Oregon.
Im caucasian.
Hmm, didn't know this was here! okay
- i (all my friends) call myself geyter (pronounced 'hater'), while actually this is only part of my last name. (if you were belgian you'd get the joke)
- i'm way too old and freaking out about my 24th birthday coming up
- my mindstate is basically like in one of those cartoons where they zoom in on the head and you can see a desert & wind blowing.
- also very clumsy, both with hands and feet.
- i love manga, and reading fantasy novels. (if you have questions about Fantasy i'm the person to ask)
- I never watch anime. (too slow)
- the greatest thing in the world is english tv, especially Buzzcocks, QI, ...
- currently i'm trying to finish my masters degree in criminology (or criminal justice/studies whatever you wanna call it)
- i love going out with my college friends but have a problem with boundraries. basically i have none.
- caucasian (brown hair/green eyes)
- a great big lover of Rock! so i can get kinda snippy when talking about if the historical cultural relevance of Eminem is ranked lower or higher than the Village People...
my name is jc..

>im 18..


>speak both english and tagalog..

>2nd year college student..


>love both anime and manga..

>member of 3 band(play the bass, rhythm, and lead. can do some vocals)
i really love music!

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