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The Vizard...
So, do you think any of them have achieved bankai? What about shikai? Also, if you go for bankai after becoming a vizard, does your zanpakotou appear as your hollow?

What do you think?
well ichigo got bankai and hes a i think it will be a regular zanpakto
also ichigo got his shikai as a vizard too....
after his trainin w/ kisuke he was a vizard so everything he learnd he learned as a vizard
but you probably already know that
so i just wasted your time by making you read this....
Kind of...yea...Wink
well yeah, regular zanpakutous of course, thats what makes the difference of arrancar and vizards.
I think they know bankai, but dont use it... seeing as how they're pretty powerful, maybe bankai lets their inner hollow break free due to the power.
Or maybe they are just like Kenpachi in that they are unable to talk to their zanpuktos and that's the reason why the become vaizards, in order to gain power. Big Grin idk just a thought.
Yeah, maybe the fact that they cannot release their zanpakuto make them turn to the power of hollow even though SS just didn't approve the thought.
Hmmm... my question was that if they achieved it after becoming a Vizard, is materialization their hollow?
Hmm...That is a good question. If after releasing their mask as Vaizard would they be similiar to the Arrancar and become their hollow's true form. That could be quite a possibility. I wouldn't doubt that it would happen, that they would become that. Ichigo is a different story of course, being a Vaizard. How was he able to obtain Shikai and Bankai whil having the Hollow inside him? I have a theory for it actually.

The Vaizard, while becoming Hollowized, all were Shinigami still, having their zanpukto and all. Ichigo was not for thatt time being, in that he had not awakened his true Shinigami genes/powers. While he became a Vaizard, he actually become a Shinigami at the same time. Perhaps during this event, while both becoming a hollow and shingami at the same time, he was able to get the releases for Shikai and Banaki. Now, also then this opens up the possibility of that is it possibly that he could have obtained the Hollow release that the Vaizard are believed to have. I could believe that Ichigo was the next version of Vaizard, created by Urahara, to have both the releases of SHikai/Bankai and also obtain Hollow release. Idk just a thought lol.
r maybe the hollow inside him just wasn't dominant yet...

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