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The Places of work. (spots available)
I mean, I would help out with that but...I've been kind of busy with exams, and plus it's not going to be clear sailing in the future either. I've basically been hanging out here to help the main site. But like if you absolutley needed an artist...I guess I could cover for like a couple of chapters (10 at most), but if it's just a one man show, or there are people that aren't really part of the one manga community...I am not sure it'll really work out.
I'd appreciate it if someone answered my application.
I sent you a PM...
I didn't get it o_O
>_< I asked to see some of your writing.

Also, read part 2 and part 3

A fan fic series i wrote around a year and a half back.

I dont recall writing another one since, except for some writing for school, but i'm sure i can outdo what i've done.

P.S. RenegadeFxT was the name i used to go by
Ok, after comparing yours and Draiks pieces, i'm assigning arctic as not only writer but (if he can handle it), a concept Drawer. (this can include a few of the manga covers, if that ok. xD)
Tongue okay

If an artist is really needed, i guess me and draik could cover it, but we'd have to have a monthly deadline (assuming we do one-two pages a day)
And i can draw, faces and bodies (just not backgrounds, but i have read a manga. where they use RL photos for BG's) i'm better at Chibi and Animals >_<
BG's i can do, except when it comes to trees :\

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