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Gundam Unicorn OVA's
Talk about the new Gundam Unicorn series here
Has episode 3 been subbed yet?
I don't think so
I haven't seen it subbed yet

//my rant will be comong soon
alright so I've watched the first 2 OVA's and there were some things I liked and some things I didn't. I liked the whole politics thing that's going on and the story is alright so far. But some of the characters are really unlikable.

For example, the main character who I can't seem to remember the name of. He reminds me of Shin from Gundam Seed Destiny (God I hate Shin). He's a freaking puppet who gots no motivation other than wanting to help out "Audrey" (mind the spelling) whom he literally just met. He's got no personality on him and his logic is sometimes completely out there (this upsets me because he's shown that he's a very logical person pre-Audrey).

Next is Audrey herself, or princess whatever-her-name-is. She's just as boring as this Shin-wannabe except that she supposedly has class. Her only redeeming quality is that she has consistently turned down Mr Shin whenever he has wanted to do something for her. Like in the second OVA where shin goes out to battle the Red Comet and begs for Audrey's consent (for the hunderdth time). At the end of the battle when he gets captured and he's about to lose consciousness his last words were "Audrey forgive me". Then it goes to a shot of Audrey's face and I swear I've never seen a more emotionless face than what she did there. That was classic and I laughed so much when I saw that. But otherwise she also pisses me off.

Nearly all the characters seem so boring (with the exception of the red suit white mask guy). I can't even remember anyone's name except Audrey, and Audrey isn't even her name.

I do sypathize with the girl who likes Shin but only because of the fact that she likes Shin. It's too pitiful to be stuck with the role of liking Shin and even worse that Shin completely ignores her. But otherwise even she seems boring and I still can't remember her name.

Also, the Gundam is alive.
Talk about a throw back from Gundam Wing.
I find it stupid that the Gundam can think for itself. It takes away from the awesomesauce that the pilots can have. Oh in case you're wondering what I'm talking about, in the second OVA the Gundam boosted out of harm's way without Shin controlling it. So yeah, it's alive. Also the way they tried to hype up the legend of the Gundams was a fail IMO. It just didn't feel right but that's just me.

Anyway my rant is over for now
LMAO quite a rant you have there. Banagher is the name of the protagonist and yeah he's kinda lame, as far as him liking Audrey from the get go I think that's just newtype crap. The Gundam isn't really alive per say it just responds to the pilots thoughts for faster reaction time in combat with it's pyscho frame.
lol it was quite a bit. I was gonna go into more detail but I figured it was long enough as it is Tongue

I don't mind Banagher (thanks for the name) liking Audrey as the cliche love at first sight but he's taking it a bit too far with going out to battle for her when she straight up told him not to.

There's a difference from faster reaction time and it acting on it's own. And that Gundam had acted on it's own volition at that point. It might be played off as it reacting to his fear of facing death but I predict that it'll end up practically being alive.
Jack Ammo Wrote:lol it was quite a bit. I was gonna go into more detail but I figured it was long enough as it is Tongue

I don't mind Banagher (thanks for the name) liking Audrey as the cliche love at first sight but he's taking it a bit too far with going out to battle for her when she straight up told him not to.

There's a difference from faster reaction time and it acting on it's own. And that Gundam had acted on it's own volition at that point. It might be played off as it reacting to his fear of facing death but I predict that it'll end up practically being alive.

True. Now that I think about it, it did act on it's own when he first piloted it and got in a tight spot while in combat and it went into NTD mode but I still don't think you can compare it to Wing Zero, two different operating systems one overwhelms the pilot while the other helps. I don't see it being "alive" it's still just a machine he'll control it once he gets the hang of operating it.
well we've only seen it twice in battle, and so it might be played as it reacting to him and "aiding" him instead of doing it's own thing but I'm gonna go on the pesimistic side on this one. Though I agree it won't go full out like with Wing Zero, it'll have a lot of similar to a lesser extent attributes that will make it kinda sentient (again being pesimistic here). But if it does turn out that instead of thinking on it's own, the Gundam just reacts to his emotional state and not just his thoughts then I'm willing to accept that it is just a very advanced reaction.

and lol I forgot about the first time it happened. I didn't notice it til the second time when he clearly made a point to "think" about it for the audience.
Jack Ammo Wrote:well we've only seen it twice in battle, and so it might be played as it reacting to him and "aiding" him instead of doing it's own thing but I'm gonna go on the pesimistic side on this one. Though I agree it won't go full out like with Wing Zero, it'll have a lot of similar to a lesser extent attributes that will make it kinda sentient (again being pesimistic here). But if it does turn out that  instead of thinking on it's own, the Gundam just reacts to his emotional state and not just his thoughts then I'm willing to accept that it is just a very advanced reaction.

and lol I forgot about the first time it happened. I didn't notice it til the second time when he clearly made a point to "think" about it for the audience.

That's what I'm confused about, how the NTD mode deal activates I've read spoilers from people who've actually read the novel and from what they say at times it activates for no apparent reason regardless of his emotional state.

Oh and Full Frontal, one of the best code names ever!!
there's a novel? well I guess there would have to be one... We'll have to wait for the anime to actually explain what's up with that, but mark my words they might just end up going with the Gundam being alive

lol you caught that too
I was gonna die of laughter when I heard that but my younger brothers were there and since they didn't get the joke I decided not to make a big deal about it (too lazy to have to explain it to them). I hope the rest of the code names are like that

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