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Best of the Big 3 Shonen
Some users were trying to get the thread closed they eventually got what they wanted rather than see their preferred manga be criticized they were intentionally starting flame wars.
Also the mods at times were on the scene too fast either they kept close attention to that thread or someone was constantly reporting it when arguments got heated.
professor Wrote:Some users were trying to get the thread closed they eventually got what they wanted rather than see their preferred manga be criticized they were intentionally starting flame wars.
Also the mods at times were on the scene too fast either they kept close attention to that thread or someone was constantly reporting it when arguments got heated.

Not surprising considering how some users tended to act rather childish to just about everything that doesn't go their way in thought an action, especially when it comes to forms of criticism.

Just saying that you don't like a specific series could end up with you having a good dozen or so hate posts against you because you said you didn't like said series.
Still, closing the thread is more destructive than constructive. We have plenty of hates posts in the group, but eventually things work themselves out.

I honestly don't see the point of closing a thread over an argument. I really don't. If it ended up in a massive flame war, then yes, clearly there needs to be order to preserve what good conversation is left.

Otherwise, this isn't real life. Nobody is going to shoot anyone over a lost argument. As childish as one can be, even children get bored of bitching and move on to the next topic.
m1hawkgsm Wrote:Still, closing the thread is more destructive than constructive.  We have plenty of hates posts in the group, but eventually things work themselves out.

I honestly don't see the point of closing a thread over an argument.  I really don't.  If it ended up in a massive flame war, then yes, clearly there needs to be order to preserve what good conversation is left.

Otherwise, this isn't real life.   Nobody is going to shoot anyone over a lost argument.  As childish as one can be, even children get bored of bitching and move on to the next topic.

I agree for the most part.

Though in regards to the bolded ..... weeellll I wouldn't count on that; I mean look at "Decorus" who's been around on OMF for a while (I think 08 or 09), and even now he still throws the same illogical tantrum over Sasuke Uchiha to no end.
That's years worth of complaining over one character and there's probably some like him around on OMF.
Decent chapter found this be more bearable than the recent chapters,the last page was quite odd though I don't know why the editor found it necessary to put "Shikaku and the others die!!" on the last page like that.I hope they are dead and stay that way but this to me is unlikely.

Bleach:Good chapter. Unohana being the first Kenpachi. Shunsui becoming the CC.Did not like Renji tagging along for the ride tohough.

OP:Luffy not capturing CC not going through with Laws plan annoyed me.Hopefully Franky is able to do something or worth next chapter.

Bleach > Naruto

This was a good chapter based on the development of Shinsui becoming CC by ruling of C46 and by the reveal of Unohana being the First Kenpachi. Plus that face she had on when shown was just epic.

The Ichigo and Renji stuff was meh, though Renji taking a hit from a RG like that felt a bit weird. An I don't see the point in Renji tagging along with Ichigo less his Zan will also be "fixed" in the way that he'll also get a nice power-up.

In regards to the Kenpachi Zaraki stuff ..... I'm quite iffy about it honestly.

This weeks chapter wasn't to great honestly. I mean we knew that the attack on the Juubi and it's masters would fail, so there was no real surprise there. But what irk's me is how out of all the people to probably die from this war and how it could effect people, Kishi once again picks on Team 10 for the matter of death by killing off Shika and Ino's fathers.

Though there is a possible chance that they'll live considering how Kishi has been rather favorable to a majority of good guys survival against any of the enemy forces. But non then less the fact that Team 10 get's hit with the death bomb and seems to be the only real line of characters to get any real core development from this war out of all the many others .. does bother me some; not that I dislike Team 10 or anything, and I do like that they are developing as characters quite well through the effects of war, it's just every other character just doesn't seem to be getting good enough build up to really make them better in current arc(s) to show how well they've come along, which kinda sucks honestly.

An I'd find it even worse if Kishi uses the deaths of Shikaku & Co as a means to try an develop Naruto emotionally while kinda ignoring Shika an Ino in that regard. Though this wouldn't surprise me if he did since he did use Naruto to steal the show from Team 10's payback mission against Kakuzu and Hidan by taking out Kakuzu while having Ino and Chouji ... well do nothing more than spectate really.

In any case up to this point I feel that InoShikaCho should've been the main stars of this series, seeing as how they embody the aspects Kishi played upon back in the early days; such as the newer generation surpassing the old one, teamwork, and hard work.
In a way, Team 10 is the only group that really has anyone near the battlefield that we are somewhat attached to; without killing members of the current generation off.
Bleach > Naruto

Shikaku and Inoichi's deaths were not necessary, sad but seemed like it was just thrown in there. If anything, I just hope this gives Shikamaru even more incentive to be a truly epic strategist.

The Juubi looks ridiculous, I can't even take it seriously. I hope it transforms once more.

It was an okay chapter at best.  


Tenjirō's honestly the only RG member worthy of note so far, an enjoyable character. His signature healing technique was interesting.

Let's move onto the main thing. Unohana, she's the first Kenpachi. She may have been hinted to have a brutish side, but this is just random. This twist is neither good or bad, just there. In that last page, she looked like she was in a was a bit creepy. What really bothers is me the the hype going Kenpachi's way, seems he'll be learning his bankai or something, I hope Bach pwns him again. From what I gather , Yama-jii didn't care to teach the guy more as he could prove to be  quite destructive if he rebelled and would be a hassle to take down -- that's about it. Truth be told, I'm not really into the whole Kenpachi title lineage business. Throwing around the phrase "strongest shinigami", yet that's never the truth of the matter.

I don't know why Central 46 has any hand in the specifics on Shunsui's VC detail, it seems completely irrelevant to their duties and so on. It's like the US Congress telling the General of the Army how many secretaries he can have, a bit senseless. He's the CC and should be able to do that without issues, the power structure in the SS is a real doozy. On another note, I'm happy to see Shunsui taking the reigns, many habits he's gonna have to kick in his new position. It was an interesting chapter overal.

Haven't read OP yet, will do so tomorrow.

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