more manga request, if it's not too troublesome - Printable Version

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more manga request, if it's not too troublesome - toytale - 06-18-2007

1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile

RE: more manga request, if it's not too troublesome - Draik - 07-01-2007

toytale Wrote:1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile

They're already scantalated, and translated right?

RE: more manga request, if it's not too troublesome - SilverKunai - 07-01-2007

The 2nd Manga you're asking for is Shin Anyo Onshi.

RE: more manga request, if it's not too troublesome - SilverKunai - 07-01-2007

Draik Wrote:
toytale Wrote:1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile

They're already scantalated, and translated right?

I am sure Shin Angyo Onshi(2nd manga) is translated. I read it on Anime-source and it has around 40-50 chapters.