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Nintendo sux
Nintendo doesn't Suck. I don't use Nintendo or anything, but Mleeeh. Doesn't suck...Heh.
how can u say Nintendo sucks? :O that mean no Wii...rawr....>.>
You know... that really wasn't much of a rant. It just seemed like a flame on nintendo without reason used to provocate others. Why does Nintendo suck? Is there something you feel wronged you forever? Do you think that it could do better with games? Please type at least something else when ranting, it helps us to understand your motives better.
excel-kleinwald Wrote:You know... that really wasn't much of a rant.  It just seemed like a flame on nintendo without reason used to provocate others.  Why does Nintendo suck?  Is there something you feel wronged you forever? Do you think that it could do better with games?  Please type at least something else when ranting, it helps us to understand your motives better.

Sorry i started and then really couldnt thin of a way to fininsh.
But really its because nintendo has abandoned long time fans to make a wider demographic for gaming so that they make more games. There are very few games for the wii that long time gamers will purchase those being:Smash bothers brawl on Dec 3rd, Mario Galaxy in november, possibly mario strikers charged, and mario kart next year. If somebody said that those games to a gamer last year they would have asked for a hard core gamer game but nintendo doesnt have  any.  The are reducing the gaming industry to cheap gimmicks by only making simplified games that dont take long to make or design. But for people who are fans of the great gaming, companies(always a fan of sony for there relation with square enix) now have to make really cheesy games just so that they can stay in competition. AS a long time owner of both nintendo and sony gaming products i now have a wish to replace nintendo for Micrsoft because it actually has real games. I havent been playing video games this long just for it to be thrown back to the stone age with better graphics.

That is why nintendo is phailing the real consumer.

{NOTE: when i rant i tend to make shitty paragraphs with my ideas flying all over the place}
Megabuster Wrote:Sorry i started and then really couldnt thin of a way to fininsh.
But really its because nintendo has abandoned long time fans to make a wider demographic for gaming so that they make more games. There are very few games for the wii that long time gamers will purchase those being:Smash bothers brawl on Dec 3rd, Mario Galaxy in november, possibly mario strikers charged, and mario kart next year. If somebody said that those games to a gamer last year they would have asked for a hard core gamer game but nintendo doesnt have  any.  The are reducing the gaming industry to cheap gimmicks by only making simplified games that dont take long to make or design. But for people who are fans of the great gaming, companies(always a fan of sony for there relation with square enix) now have to make really cheesy games just so that they can stay in competition. AS a long time owner of both nintendo and sony gaming products i now have a wish to replace nintendo for Micrsoft because it actually has real games. I havent been playing video games this long just for it to be thrown back to the stone age with better graphics.

I agree there hasn't been a good game for the wii since the launch except for zelda twighlight princess and the won't be another good game for the wii until mario galaxy comes out.
Exactly, with this years E3 it was shown who cares about the gamers and that is sony and microsoft. They have shown us high calibur game after game with Lair and stranglehold coming out next week and also ratchet and clank future:tools of destruction and halo3 are coming out in september.GTA4,Metal Gear solid, Ninja Gaiden sigma(already out) are all great games that are comming out and prove where there loyalty stands.
Now I disagree with you totally! The video game giants should not be focusing on "hardcore" gamers just to keep their usual market. There is nothing wrong with expanding your consumer base. I think it is a good thing that Nintendo is trying to make a market for everyone to play video games with INNOVATIVE tehcnology not CHEAP GIMMICKS. I say shame on you for supporting that video game companies should only be making games for die hard fans! Besides, if anything Nintendo needs to get away from doing the usual so much, that being always using the same franchises over and over again such as Mario, Metroid, Zelda and so on. Yes they always seem to be fun games but they also need to think of something new instead of resorting to the same old thing.
Nintendo did do a good thing by using the wii remote to get new video game fans, but most of nintendo wii games are just short mini games that use the wii remote (Rayman, wario ware, mario party8, wii play). I agree with Excel that nintendo needs to make a new franchise because for some reason the only real franchises nintendo has(mario, zelda, metroid) started a long time ago. Nintendo needs another good frachise.
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