The new chapter was interesting.
New chapter?!?
/goes to read
Cool chapter
-Meldy is going to win
-Ultear's powers have potential to make a very entertaining fight. I wish she was fighting someone cooler than Natsu though.
-I like the whole "Fairy Tail unite" speech.
-What is Cana up to?
-Lucy is gonna get raeped

Cana is an idiot, simple as that.
Erza can't lose....
Ultear's magic looks kind of interesting now, seemed crappy before.
Erza's plot armor is too obvious to the reader. She should lose this fight to fix that
feels kinda awkward reviving this, but whatever

i wonder which threesome will be focused on next week :hmm:
Minerva kicking epic fail rear in the form of Erza and Kagura *HeeHee*
Seriously some bad guys or girls need to win a little, it'll add some mild drama to everything.
It would be nice, but I can't imagine Erza to lose - not after all off her previous a$spulls.
Oben Wrote:It would be nice, but I can't imagine Erza to lose - not after all off her previous a$spulls.
Probably so.
But the thought still is nice, considering that we went through how many characters so far that came off as being badass like only to being garbage the next. Seriously it's gotta stop somewhere's where we can have somebody be as tough as they're made to look and pose a worth while challenge to some tougher FT character's if not beat them.
I'm not saying Kagura and Minerva can't give good fights - just that I doubt they could win.