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Fine. You lazy asses. I'll make a freakin thread with link.
OMG what did my thread turn into??
ah hey silverkunai why is your "posting" in posting frak like that
gerg the admin changed it because kunai asked him to... stupid kunai gets special treatment...
MangaAddict Wrote:gerg the admin changed it because kunai asked him to... stupid kunai gets special treatment...
you two are made for each other:grin:
You're just jealous I have a custom title and you don't. Lol. I skipped 4100 posts.
my point exactly
....You are just like geyter..but less logically.
SilverKunai Wrote:....You are just like geyter..but less logically.

Wouldn't that meant that he isn't really Geyter, since it's less logical?
who's geyter
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