
Full Version: more manga request, if it's not too troublesome
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1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile
toytale Wrote:1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile

They're already scantalated, and translated right?
The 2nd Manga you're asking for is Shin Anyo Onshi.
Draik Wrote:
toytale Wrote:1)beet the vandel buster

2) i don't know the name of the manga cuz i read it in chinese. it's a korean comic, main character can summon spirit warriors with this 3 horse medal thing.

3)Kurohime, by masanori.ookamigumi.katakura

i quite like these 3, and would like to see more ppl reading it. hope they can be scanlated into english. thx Smile

They're already scantalated, and translated right?

I am sure Shin Angyo Onshi(2nd manga) is translated. I read it on Anime-source and it has around 40-50 chapters.