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what devil fruit would you hav?
ur right >.> but i prefer more comedy/actions,less usin' the word nakamas...each time i hear it in the anime it just make my face cringes..
i dont mind it...probably cuz i started this on the dub....cuz i didnt read manga at that time....and i cringed every time i heard a pun...or sanji's voice....meaning while watching it my face was in a cringe at all times....i hated it until i started reading the manga...
yea OP was awesome back then..i keep on singing the dub opening xD it was so but when i started to discover youtube like a year ago..i have forgotten about the dub and switched to sub,later on switch to manga cuz i was hearin ya'll talking about shadow luffy and thriller tempted and read the manga x)
i watched the dub till roguetown....or w/e it is in the real version....and at the same time i was watching naruto.....i got sick of both...then i discovered bleach and was like awesome!
and i wanted to see more faster so i was just like "duh youtube"
and i watched all but OP....then when i got up to date on manga/anime i remembered it and read the manga until current and then i realized that the anime would be better than the dub so i watched it......and thats my discovery of the big 3
lol same here.. i took the whole summer watching so addicticed to both three...cuz i heard so much about Naruto and Bleach..i didn't knew One Piece was popular too but first i discovered bittorent and dled bleach 1-30..but then i thought again...and YouTube first popped out of my mine and i imidiately watch Bleach 1-3 patiently waiting for the dl to finish...but i couldn't resist i watched all night from 1-14...then later on i switched to Naruto and lastly One Piece where CN lefted off at that snow arc thingy...and skipped from 102-186 cuz the gap wasn't put on youtube yet so i had to skipped...
i skipped the fillers in the anime and i just now realized i skipped skypiea...
Are you guys even talking about the topic anymore??
hmm i haven't seen skypiea yet and no we're not =3 we're still talking about One Piece here..
of course not....on all 3 threads we've been talking about we are off topic...but still on OP topics....
yes...excatly wut useless it's not excatly going off off topic..

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