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Crew positions
i thought tanuki was the raccoon type critter
I guess that was a good example for a 'bad example' then. XD
But it doesn't change the fact that Chopper was called by many names. (What was it it the recent episode of the Anime again? Mame-chan?)
Spade Wrote:They need a janitor. Janitors are the funniest characters in 95% of all things.
A janitor like in El Hazard that gets superpowers from being drunk...
Or just a mean guy like in Scrubs...

Scrubs's janitor is the best character on the show!

A janitor might be nice, since Luffy can definately make a mess, but I don't think it's nesissary(SP?)
Good ol' Dr. Jan Itor.
no,no we need a choreboy like Koby!
I guess Brook is going to be the entertainer or something. I wonder what other positions are left.
a joker,parrot,extra members
Well....they can buy a parrot and get some people into slavery for the extra members. So Jokker is last. But I thought that was Ussop and Brook's(When he joins) job?
Oddly I could see a parrot being a member. Just seems like something LUffy would want.
their joke is too lame >.> and Luffy would never recruit members by slavery...and it take a hellish 30 or 10 episodes just to recruit a g*ddamn member so yea..

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