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I dont know if this has been done yet but anyway...

Discuss bankais of each of the characters, whos is cooler, who has the most powerful, who has the most worthless??

Also discuss bankais of charcters we havnt seen yet like rukia's, ichigos dad's, etc.
i dont know who has the best or worst bankai but i think renji's is really bad
i mean unless there are some new skills then its just a something that would crush u
sounds good but w/ reaitsu(sp?) determining a persons strength, its just a giant weight
Why would Rukia need bankai? She took out one of the arranca(why can't I spell!?) with shinkai.
Renjis bankai is pretty stupid, its just big giant dragon thingy...
Rukias brother has a pretty cool bankai but Ichigo defeated it because his bankai is super fast...
If rukia learned her bankai I bet shed be super powerful but I cant imagine what her bankai would be??
I wish I could Bankai...
SilverKunai Wrote:I wish I could Bankai...

...okay, that great...
You know you want to Bankai as well. :grin:
The coolest has to be Byakuya's. I mean controlling those countless things and basically slicing your opponent until there is ntohing is awesome.

The most powerful is problably Aizen's. I mean he has everyone under his Shikai's illusion already, so who knows what his bankai is. (It was his Shikai right?, not his Bankai that caused the illusion)

Most useless has to be Renji's. That Bankai offers very little defense as I see it. I mean fighting against Ichigo, Renji would be slaughtered in a second, because Ichigo is too fast to be caught by such a Bankai.
i dont understand renji's bankai....
why do the bones need to be connected by reaitsu?
does that help him to disconnect and reconnect bones....what is the point?
renji's uselessness fills me w/ anger....he's worse than ishida and the only recent growth he's had was regaining his powers...
not sayin ishida is bad but he's been out of the loop for a while...
What is gins bankai??

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